Harold W. Percival

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Harold W. Percival
Occupation Theosophist and writer
Language English
Nationality Barbadian
Ethnicity Barbadian
Citizenship Barbadian
Subjects Theosophy
Notable work(s) Thinking and Destiny'

Harold Waldwin Percival (15 April 1868 - 6 March 1953) was a Theosophist and writer who founded The Word Foundation, famous for his magnum opus Thinking and Destiny.

In 1904 he began publishing The Word, "A monthly magazine devoted to Philosophy, Science, Religion, Eastern thought, Occultism, Theosophy, and the Brotherhood of Humanity."

His writings have been noted as a major influence upon the famous science-fiction and fantasy author, Richard Matheson, who declared that his work The Path (1999) was based largely on the ideas of Percival.

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